I've been waiting for this, Jim. Thanks! I will share it.

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Thanks. See my response to Sean below.

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Thanks for this brilliant analysis Jim.

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Thanks. I've had such weird feelings about this, and it's been difficult for me to write about it. On the one hand, it's thrilling for me to see the rise of such a movement, after writing about it for so many years and seeing no result but Zionism digging itself deeper into American politics. It's also wonderful to see the reemergence of the kind of student activism we had in the 60s for this issue. There really is no more important thing than to have a real, persistent American Anti-Zionist movement, and I only hope it spreads. On the other hand, I'm strangely fatalistic about this, and not a little scared. I feel that I (alomg with so many others) have said just about everything I need to say about the critique of Zionism, and wish that had had a political effect like this sooner--before this slaughter. I also fear there is nothing the state won't do defend Zionism, and I'm not confident that the balance of forces will change quickly and decisively enough either to stop the ethnic cleansing that is already well alone or to bukis a persistent movement. The anti-Vietnam War movement was not "successful" in itself, but only as an adjunct to an incredibly smart armed resistance that had powerful international material/military and political support. Where is that here? It hasn't prevented the destruction of Gaza.

But all respect for the students who have lit the spark.

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Jim, I think you're right, and I do see (mostly) young people who really are attuned to the sorely degraded political conditions here in the US. I think it will only grow. I'm 67, and I've never seen the kind of authoritarian politics on display here in this country. They openly, brazenly lie, and their crazy, clearly anti-constitutional laws they want to pass shouldn't get past the Supreme Court, but very likely could. I'm afraid people will get killed this summer during protests that will inevitably occur, but I'm hoping for huge turnouts, millions all over protesting both the slaughter in Gaza and the insane authoritarianism wrought by the deep fear the US ruling class has for any challenge to it's authority. The self-defeating, insane embrace by the entire political class of the Zionists won't lose its grip anytime soon, but perhaps events and actors out of the US control (like Ansarallah and Hezbollah), coupled with Israeli society blowing up (that cannot be discounted--things are quite bad there economically speaking, in addition to the murderous mass psychosis) will shake things up in a way unforeseen by the idiots who run the US. One thing we can count on is the fear and stupidity always present in the political class here, that's for sure. The only thing I really know is that I don't know what will happen.

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If that "Iron Wall" kills any one of those students, I hope all hell breaks loose and I hope they know it and they should when polls record how many Americans are against the mass murder/genocide of a beautiful people by all accounts that are trustworthy.

The history of student protests in USA are examples of how to end injustice perpetrated by a state that has rarely if ever represented us, but represents the "ruling class" who makes LOADS of money off wars and killing people, whose stock market portfolios are drenched in the blood of others, and who want to continue to do so because it makes them "rich" in the bloodletting. Materialism and god knows what else they value, but life of humans, insect, animal, microbes in soils and oceans seem not among what they value, unfortunately for the rest of us, because those "things" sustain life on this planet. They demonize any and everyone who objects to their murderous intents and who stand to represent the aforementioned against their onslaught of destruction.

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All hell breaking loose is what it will take.

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