Jim, I have just become aware of you through your latest article about the Ukrainian situation, And now listening to your conversations I think I have found an articulate leftist voice for all I have been thinking and voicing for a very long time . I have found it exceedingly difficult lately to have conversations with my life time liberal friends. They think I have taken a big turn right, ie politically. The corporate narrative, no propaganda, on Russia and the covid 19 response is mind boggling and my friends have bought It hook, line, and sinker. They seemed to have lost their ability as critical thinkers, maybe they never have been critical thinkers and it only now is glaringly obvious. I like to think that what I am doing is taking an historical perspective and thinking and reading critically about these issues. It have gotten to the point where I am hesitant to speak my mind with these liberals friends, basically all my friends, for when I do I am often met with a somewhat stunned silence and little interest in discussion. I like to remember Noam Chomsky’s advice to go to many sources for information to find the truth.

Thank you for your voice from the left.

With regards, Connie

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Hey, Connie. Thanks so much for this cocmment. i'm glad I've given you some support to feel that you're not alone. You're not. A lot of us have gone through this sense of severe alienation from close ones over the last two years. There's a very disconcerting political (in the widest sense) re-algnment going on. I am trying to speak in a voice that negotiates that from the left. If I've wrtiten something that was exaxtly what you needed to hear, you are exactly the person I'm speaking to, and i welcome you as an engaged reader. Your remarks help me to go on, knowing I'm not just whistling in the wind.

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