Your writing exceeds your podcasting....I wish you wrote more.

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Thanks, Debora. Really, I appercisate the feedback, even if I am crestfallen that not everyone is transfixed by my live ranting.. I warn you that I do intend to start my own pod- or webcast soon (Let's see how that works out.), which I hope will be better, since I will be in control, and maybe do some rehearsing.

I am very glad that you like my writing., Given my academic training, that's always been the most important thing for me--to get the argumetns right on paper. That has also meant writing longer pieces with a lot of research.. That's the fraamework I started blogging with ten years ago, and I know I it's not the most advantageous for the internet today. I'm working on shifting to doing more, and shorter, pieces I have also been very busy with personal tasks this summer. There'll be more coming.

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