What is pathetic is how Kyle and Krystal are making an administrative law decision by the NLRB sound as important and notable as FDR's Tennessee Valley Authority. They know the fecklessness of their claim, which naturally makes one wonder about their true motives.

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As I say, I think Kyle got the memo from the DNC about palying up anything positive related to labor/unions. "Pathetic" is the right word.

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This is an excellent summation of the proper questions to ask Cornel West: “Will you campaign for every vote in every state; and, will you adhere to this pledge in swing states?” It’s basically, “Will you remain loyal, even when it gets difficult?” If not, then why run at all?

I think Jimmy Dore instead speaks the language of an average “politically homeless” left voter—what I call The Movement Left, which contrasts with The Institutional Left comprised of donor networks, unions and family foundation-funded progressive organizations. I wish Jimmy had these questions in his back pocket instead of leading with culture war stuff, but the discourse that happened is actually valuable to understand other frustrations The Movement Left has with The Institutional Left.

It’s obvious that Krystal/Kyle are no longer of The Movement Left. This change has had a jarring effect—and just like Kyle’s hair color, everyone sees it. Kyle’s feed reads like a ‘young adult’ version MSNBC. It’s embarrassing, just like the talking points he tried to use on Bri.

The Institutional Left is already gearing up to “Protect The Vote” using the same playbook from 2020 and that’s a really bad development b/c this is the seed that grew The Censorship Industrial Complex which was reported in The Twitter Files. Shit’s about to get much worse, e.g. bizarre Russell Brand smear “out of the blue.” That’s harbinger of what’s to come. They’ll try to hit Bri, but I just don’t see her as the kind of person with any skeletons in her closet. SIDEBAR: isn’t it odd that Graham Elwood is indiscriminately accusing ppl of being “private intelligence?”

I wrote about the actual conspiracy they ran in 2020, which was trumpeted in Time Magazine (as a “good conspiracy”) here: https://www.brookhines.com/p/how-the-conspiracy-to-unseat-trump This is how 2024 is shaping up.

The Movement Left DGAF about NLRB or CA’s “sectoral bargaining.” These are Institutional Left talking points. There is no reason for K/K to be oddly on message with the minutia of union interests at the expense of Movement Left issues if not for Institutional support.

Does that negate K/K’s media work? YEAH, it does for me, because they’re acting as a propaganda arm of The Institutional Left which has built-in conflicts of interest with The Movement Left, e.g. candidate endorsement, M4A, Biden, (everything basically). This particular exchange with Bri became so high-profile because it exposed the game.

Institutions aren’t creative. You can see the future they’re working toward by glancing over your shoulder at the not-too-distant past—>https://www.brookhines.com/p/how-the-conspiracy-to-unseat-trump

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Thanks, Brook. Glad you found it helpful. I agress with everything you say here. I loved your essay linkied in here, and recommended it widely. Unfortunately, i think you're right: Shit's gping to get worse. The Russell Brand bit is par for the courrse, they're going to try to keep Trump off the ballot in some states and may succeed in at least one. TDS has been much more destructive to the polity than Trump himself, and rages on . I truly do not know, but suspect that Cornel will prioritize stopping Trump. (I'll call it 60-40.) Meanwhille, WWIII. It's quite depressing.

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Enjoyable read; I don't feel I really have the need (or time) to watch the two videos. Your summation and analysis seem well enough. I lost any respect I may have had for Krystal Ball after her RFK Jr. interview. Kulinski sounds absurd. BOTH are Democrats -- default or otherwise. Still encased in the "progressive checklist" mentality. Agree, must assume West will "default" until proven/at least stated otherwise. And even the old reliable "progressive" mantras like "medicare for all" have new contexts in today's dystopia. For example, does that incorporate "vaccinations for all?" Where does West stand on that issue, mandates, "pandemic security," etc.? I understand -- unfortunately -- RFK Jr.'s positions on Israel/Palestine. So how about West, accepted as a true "progressive," on these?

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Thanks, Howard.

One of the main things Jimmy Dore got frustrated with West about was that Jimmy thinks West doesn't care *enough* about the Covid/mandates disaster. West had praised Fauci, but now seems to accept that policies were wrong, and was arguing for a "truth and reconciliation" inquiry. I do think, and share Dore's frustration, that West does not undertand how important and deeply damaging the Covid fear-mongering, censorship, authoritariansm were and *are* to politics and science. Few people on the left do. They tend to see it as a rather unimportant blip on their political radar. Yes, RFK, Jr. does. He's been at it for a long time, and I've been following and supporting his efforts in that regard. But, as you point out, his position on Israel and Zionism is *horrible* and will ensure that we get into more war. We are in a situation where we're choosing between people, each of whom has not only an objectionable policy, but a *deal breaker*. That's the terrible state of US politics, and the US left, now.

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Well done. I think your framing hits the nail on the head in an attempt to force West's campaign to definitively answer: Which side are you on? Moreover, people usually consider only the "up" side of lesser evil voting but ignore the down side--the way it strengthens BOTH corporate parties and the rotten system they represent.

"To conclude that voting for a rotten, corporate-controlled Democrat over a less likable corporate-controlled Republican is in some way a step forward requires that important negatives be left out of the calculation. Just as energy conglomerates, agrobusiness monopolies and other industrial polluters profit from externalizing the negative environmental effects of their operations, the lesser evil argument depends on externalizing the negative effects of urging support for a big business candidate. And in politics, as with industrial stewardship, the devil is in the “externalities”. When all the factors are properly accounted for, it’s clear the lesser evil strategy does more harm than good. To see this, we have to examine its oft ignored down sides."

For more, see https://brucelesnick.substack.com/p/a-vote-for-biden-is-a-vote-for-trumpism

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Thanks, Bruce.

You may have seem my "Joe or No?" article from 2020 (https://thepolemicist.substack.com/p/joe-or-no), which delves deeper into the VBNMW argument,, which I d.rew on for this post. Now linked it at the bottom of this post, too.

I repeat that I really do not know how Cornel would answer my question. But I have my suspicions, and the Dore interview did not allay them. My guesstimate is 60-40 that he'll proritize defeating Trump. I do hope somebody asks him the specific question.

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Thanks for this, Jim. Perhaps we'll reach a tipping point, finally. I have a family member who bailed on the Dems because of the vaccine and wokeness, but her complaint was general about them and their cynical rotten-ness. And this was a person deep into the Party, so to speak. The one thing that seems to trip up a lot of converts is the meaning of the word "Leftist," and who or what is a Leftist, and this column explains that clearly, as have others you have written. One last thing: whenever I get a finger-wagger at some comments section, I just tell them if they want their man Biden to be President again, they better hit the streets and start knocking on doors. They insist, insultingly and stupidly, that they and their Party are entitled to a default vote from actual Socialists and leftists. Wrong. So I tell them to head out to working-class neighborhoods, black and white, and explain how default Democratic voting is the best thing for them. Tell them about all the great things Cracker Joe has done (and will do!). After that, they flee the chat, or yammer out some nonsequiturs.

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Thanks, Tim.

You might take a look at my "Joe or No?" article from 2020 (https://thepolemicist.substack.com/p/joe-or-no), which delves deeper into the VBNMW argument. I've now linked it at the bottom of this post.

And, again, re Biden specifically: They are going to replace him. Dementia coming on too fast and furious.

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Sep 17, 2023
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Thank, Tom. I must say, "comforting" is not the effect I would have foreseen! But I'm glad you got that, as well as clarification.

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Sep 20, 2023
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