My Friday, May 3rd panel discussion with Garland Nixon and Steve Poikonen on the coincidental planning for the pandemic months before it occurred, and the return of “disinformation” experts and proposals for a “trust tax” on dissident discourse.
Their blurb:
Jim Kavanagh and Steve Poikonen join forces to discuss the strange timeline of the COVID pandemic, the latest government censorship moves, and the 2024 election.
Too bad the government does not apply the same logic to the fossil fuel industry as it wants to dissenters. Certainly that industry and lied more and mislead more with untruths than any alternative press outlet. The article I listed in first comment postulates that it may have been a bioweapon used against Iran and China since both Bolton and Pompeo were very anti Iran and China and Iran was the only nation whose elites and leaders were largely afflicted.
Not done listening, but I hope you're going to mention that it first occurred in China and then the elites of Iran suffered and many of their leaders died even though the city in Iran where most of the leaders lived was much farther away from Wuhan than another large Iranian city. See this article:
Really good point. I had read about that, though I only saw it once, but I forgot about it.