My Friday, June 28th Critical Hour discussion with Dr. WIlmer Leon, Garland Nixon, and Steve Poikonen on Biden’s debate disaster, release of Assange and continuing threat to the press, US bioweapons labs in Africa.
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Dr John Hall, an anesthesiologist in Texas, is an excellent source for information on electronic weapons. He has written books, as well.
Re: my previous comment, as Steve noted you must be careful in believing the narrative which law enforcement, intel agencies, government and media tells you. They will admit to very little, and they will lie.
Re: Bioweapons lab discussion which transitioned at end to Steve's comment on 5G. You mentioned how little/difficult to do investigations on bioweapons labs, and Steve mentioned the same for 5G and electronic weapons used against general population (paraphrased). I don't know about bioweapons but I can give you some information about electronic weapons. It's very rabbit-holish, and spurned by mainstream thought.
More than a decade ago I got attention from MSM for writing on PBS Newshour and Charlie Rose Show comments sections. They constantly used my material as talking points etc. That's the build up. Then the take-down occurred with what is called going overt.
I have been stalked, doxxed--including medical records, literally everything. They broke in my house, took photos of old videos (of my wedding), an elementary school autobiography, old photos etc. This has gone on and on.
Everybody in all types of media, and even the govt know. It's done by false FISA (I've no crimes or foreign connections). I'm a California housewife, married to an ivy league grad MD PhD with 2 children. They invent this through abuse of the system to avoid Due Process.
As weird as that is, the trauma they induce on us--there's lots of us--is used in their constant surveillance and set-ups. It's a little different for everyone, but the same as well. They send NSLs and NDA so as to keep everyone from talking about it. They use Remote Neural Monitoring on me. They remotely read EEG and through AI turn it to text and images. They let me know through stalking which I am sensitized to. Others get V2K and other traumas. Some say Havanna Syndrome is part of this. It is operated through Space Force in Colorado Springs.
This stuff is all public and on the internet, and in much greater detail. It's highly debunked by MS thought, and it's probably dangerous to investigate since nobody wants to do it. It's hard, like investigating bioweapons labs are. I am highly surveilled so it's literally impossible for me to communicate in private, even with Signal, because of keylogging. I am unsure how much various people know or make the connections between the various aspects. Well, that's my 2 cents on that subject.