Campaign to deplatorm Joe Rogan is hypocritical, reactionary and has nothing to do with the purported reasons for outrage
Watch this clip (If it’s not immediately deleted) and read the whole thread from Glenn Greenwald. Then tell me the campaign to deplatform Joe Rogan is not the culmination of a hypocritical, reactionary drive to prevent any scientific or political conversation that strays outside the establishment-approved narrative. It has nothing to do with the purported reasons for outrage, which are a phony crock of shit.
Anyone who goes along with this campaign is a fool and a danger to society. This crap is literally destroying the possibility of reasonable social exchange.

This is about 1,000 times more virulent than anything Rogan has dreamed of doing but Howard Stern is now a liberal in good standing -- adores Hillary and Maddow, hates Trump, spouts every DNC piety -- so it's fine. Hillary went on his show, oozed praise:

PG Howie @pghowie3
That clip with Killary & Stern makes me want to vomit. Those two the true definition of neoshitlibs.